
Biological collections from Karubiotec research programs

K arubiotec has declared various research programs which are supported by biocollections of the same name.
These collections of biological samples come from the remains of studies that have ended but also from the remains of biological samples from care. The objectives of this research are mainly to increase knowledge for diseases that are more represented in Guadeloupe and the Caribbean.

Accessible biocollections
Click on “Contact Us” to request biological samples.

Cancer Collection
The aim of this declared programme is to study the factors involved in the occurrence and development of cancers in the Guadeloupe population.
Specify the location and type of sample required in the request

Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases collection
The research programme objectives is:
-To study the biological, environmental or genetic factors involved in the pathophysiology of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.
(hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidaemia, sleep apnoea, heart failure, etc.).
Specify the type of sample required in the application.

Infectious and Emerging Diseases Collection
The objectives of this programme are :
- To improve the diagnosis and management of infectious and emerging diseases
- To target factors predisposing to infection, whether genetic, social or environmental.
Specify the type of sample required and the characteristics of the infection or symptoms in the request.

Immuno-hematological disease collection
The aim of the research programme is to
- To study the pathophysiology of immuno-haematological diseases present in Guadeloupe and the Caribbean, starting with sickle-cell anaemia, and in the Caribbean, with the search for predictive and prognostic factors for these diseases.
- To study the particularities of the immune response in the Caribbean and the genes involved in these mechanisms.
Specify the type of sample in the application.

Neurodegenerative diseases collection
The aim of the programme is to study the predictive and prognostic factors of neurodegenerative diseases, whether environmental or genetic.
Specify the type of sample required in the application.